Installing Repetita

Repetita is intended to be used to compare new solvers to state-of-the-art ones.

Repetita is hosted as open source software on Github at Repetita . It uses git as version control software. A nightly build (jar file and Javadoc) is available from our CI Server Jenkins. You can also clone the source and build/install repetita following the next instructions.

First, clone the repository on your system, using:

hg clone

This creates a repetita folder in the current directory.

Next, observe that there is a data.tar.xz file in the repetita folder. It contains instances, which can be used for benchmarking. The syntax of these instances is outline on the Data Format page. For now, extract the instances of the archive files:

$ tar xvJf data.tar.xz

or :

$ tar xvZf data.tar.xz

depending on your version of tar. For now, there are several thousands of instances, mostly converted from the Internet Topology Zoo .

Then, the project can be built using sbt :

$ sbt pack

This will compile the project and create all the required binaries in the folder target/pack/. The command line tool is:

$ target/pack/bin/repetita

To run LP/MIP based solvers, you’ll need to install gurobi Gurobi .