Running solvers from Command Line

The easiest use case for Repetita is to use one of its solvers from command line to compute a result.

Say you have a topology a demands file called, respectively, instance.graph and instance.demands. The next step depends on the solver you want to use.

Routing with MIP

Repetita features a MIP model of 2-SR inspired by Bhatia et al. . This model will compute SR-paths with a most one detour, but will do so optimally.

The backend solver is Gurobi that need to be installed separately. It has been tested with Gurobi 6.5 and 7.0. Once Gurobi is installed, type:

$target/pack/bin/repetita -graph instance.graph -demands instance.demands -solver 2SR-MIP -t 10000 -outpaths instance.paths

Routing with CP

This uses the CP algorithm described in DEFO-CP

$ target/pack/bin/repetita -graph instance.graph -demands instance.demands -solver defo-cp -t 10000 -outpaths instance.paths